This is a felt tote bag that is has pink and blue patches. This bag is very soft and lightweight. The Bag has a zipper to seal the inside and has broad straps to ease the carrying. The bag is adorned with white, pink blue and purple color.
The felt shoulder bag is an everyday bag which can be used to put notebooks, small makeup kits, cell phones, keys, chains and other necessary small items. This bag can be worn with any apparel and is all seasons bag. The bag is durable which will last for a long time. It is a fashion accessory and will rarely be seen on the streets making them very unique and chic.
Cleaning or washing:
Best to brush off the dust. If stains sustain, use luke warm water and cloth to rub off the spot. Do not tumble wash.
Size: 15"W x 13"H
Weight: 260 grams approx
Regular shipping: 14-28 days.
All orders over $45 are upgraded to express shipping.