Product Description: Wheat germ contains antioxidants and anti aging properties. It preserves the texture of your skin, hair and even protects your skin against skin damage.
Q Factor: Natural Carrier Oil is a vegetable oil derived from the fatty portion of a plant, usually from the seeds, kernels or the nuts and do not evaporate or impart their aroma as strongly as essential oils. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential and other oils prior to application. They carry the essential oil onto the skin. In natural skin care, carrier oils are typically referred to as vegetable oils, fixed oils or base oils. Carrier oils can contain fat soluble vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Carrier oils contain Vitamin E, which act as anti-oxidants. Vitamin E helps extend the shelf life of the carrier oil. Carrier oils contain Essential Fatty Acids. EFA are fatty acids that our bodies cannot manufacture and need to get from our diets. Carrier when applied topically, are very nourishing to our skin.
Benefits: This oil is high in Vitamin E which enriches the skin.